Qadin.NET / Planned universities announced - OFFICIAL

Planned universities announced - OFFICIAL

 The names of the higher education institutions that filled the planned places in the entrance exams this year have been announced.
According to Gadin.Net, this was stated by the chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Examination Center Maleyka Abbaszade.
According to him, this year the planned places at the Baku Higher Oil School and the Academy of the State Customs Committee are 100 percent full:
"The planned place at the Azerbaijan National Conservatory is 98 percent, the planned place at the Azerbaijan University of Languages ​​is 95 percent, the planned place at Baku State University is 93 percent. These are very high figures. "
He also spoke about the universities with the lowest interest rates:
"Azerbaijan Cooperation University has a planned vacancy of 62 percent, and the Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Affairs is among the universities with low interest rates. This year, many sub-bachelors have been admitted to universities. Most undergraduates were admitted to the University of Technology, which is 36 percent. At Baku Business University, the planned place was 53 percent.

24 September 2020