Qadin.NET / In Baku, more than 5,000 parents refused to send their children to school

In Baku, more than 5,000 parents refused to send their children to school

In Baku, more than 5,000 parents refused to send their children to school

The number of parents who did not send their children to school by signing a special form of commitment for educational institutions under the Baku City Education Department (BCED) is 5,262.
According to Gadin.Net, this was reported by the ITUC.
It was noted that starting from the new academic year, the attendance of students to classes in I-IV grades in full-time and distance (distance) forms is satisfactory:
“Students of V-XI grades started teaching remotely. Parents who are afraid to send their children to school approached the school and signed a special form of commitment. The number of signatories is 5,262. By signing this form, the parent confirms his / her obligations. The obligations guarantee the participation of students in virtual lessons, watching TV lessons, timely completion of assignments given by the teacher, participation in regular small and large summative assessments (KSQ and BSQ).

It should be noted that the Ministry of Education announced yesterday that 1.26% of primary school students in the country have signed a form of parental commitment.

It should be noted that, according to the order signed by the Minister of Education Emin Amrullayev on the organization of teaching and educational process in educational institutions during the special quarantine regime, the activities of general education institutions in Baku, Sumgayit and Absheron districts are held twice a week. The form will be in accordance with special curricula 3 times a week. Thus, classes in general education institutions will be held in grades I-IV from September 15 in full-time and distance (distance), in grades V-IX from September 15 in distance, from October 1 in full-time and distance (distance), in grades X-XI from September 15. from October, starting from October 15 in visual and distant (remote) forms. (report)

22 September 2020