Qadin.NET / NEWS on employment in the parliament

NEWS on employment in the parliament

NEWS on employment in the parliament
"Revolutionary changes have taken place in the Office of the Milli Majlis."
The statement came from Zahid Oruj, chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, at a meeting of the committee, Gadin.Net reports.
He said that with the orders and reforms of the Speaker of the Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova, there is a system in the Office of the Parliament and the Office of Affairs.
Z.Oruj noted that there are also innovations related to employment in the Milli Majlis.
"It is no longer a tradition to get a job in the parliament under someone's guardianship," Oruj added.
He noted that the regulations of the Office of the Milli Majlis and the Office of Affairs were prepared and distributed to deputies.

17 September 2020