Qadin.NET / Weddings start in Azerbaijan? - "There is no free day ..." - VIDEO

Weddings start in Azerbaijan? - "There is no free day ..." - VIDEO


In recent days, after the proposals of some MPs to allow weddings, the number of orders for wedding houses has increased. Those who want to get married are lined up for October and November. It is not a lie to say that there is a practical dispute over the queue. What about the price increase, is it expected?
According to Gadin.Net, the news that weddings will be allowed after Maharramlik has created real hope among citizens. In recent days, the number of calls to wedding venues and queues for weddings has increased significantly.

Administrators of some wedding houses say that price increases are not excluded. But the growth will not be high.

Experts believe that if weddings are allowed, wedding houses should set the right pricing policy and not allow price increases in all cases.

According to the expert, if the number of guests in the wedding halls is limited, it may affect the prices to some extent.

The expert said that the number of wedding houses is enough. A wedding house that does not set the right pricing policy may face a loss of customers after the permit.

More in Khazar Khabar's interview:

14 September 2020