Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

 Coronavirus has been detected in 28,943,657 people worldwide.
A total of 924,577 people died and 20,811,464 were cured of the virus.
The virus is most prevalent in Asia. 8,485,187 people were infected with the virus on the continent, 162,543 patients died and 6,842,299 were cured.
The leading countries in terms of the number of virus infections are the United States with 6,676,601 infections, India with 4,754,356 infections, Brazil with 4,315,858 infections and Russia with 1,057,362 infections.
Of the 38,172 people diagnosed with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 559 died and 35,607 recovered.

13 September 2020