Qadin.NET / The rules of teaching in universities have been approved

The rules of teaching in universities have been approved

 "Instructions on the organization of the educational process in higher and secondary special education institutions during the special quarantine regime" was approved.

The information was posted on the official website of the Ministry of Education.

This instruction regulates additional requirements for the organization of the educational process in higher and secondary special education institutions (except for special purpose higher and secondary special education institutions) during the special quarantine regime.

The instruction explains the issues of face-to-face (traditional) and distance (distance) organization of the teaching process in full-time and part-time forms of education in higher and secondary special education institutions. The document clarifies the organization of teaching, the duration of full-time and distance learning, student attendance, and especially the organization of distance learning. Thus, according to the instructions, in the organization of distance learning, preference is given to the teaching of theoretical subjects, the application of curricula adapted for this purpose. The manual also sets out the requirements for the software used when distance learning is organized.

It should be noted that according to the Instruction, the rules of current and intermediate assessment during distance learning, as well as the organization of examination sessions and state certification will be determined by the higher governing body of the educational institution in coordination with the Ministry of Education.

12 September 2020