Qadin.NET / You will be allowed to stay in a hotel in exchange for a photo

You will be allowed to stay in a hotel in exchange for a photo

New Shohei Hotel offers free rooms. In return, guests must write on their social network accounts that they are staying at this hotel and share photos.
According to Qadin.Net, this was reported by Sora News 24
The hotel is located in Tokyo, Japan.
"There has been a sharp decline in business activity in the country. We also lived in the days when there were no visitors at the hotel, so the management decided to rent the rooms for free. In return for the service, we ask visitors to show their stay on social networks and post a photo of the hotel, "said the hotel.
He also stressed that it is not necessary for guests to write praiseworthy comments. In addition, if they do not want to show their location during their stay at the hotel, they can share the photo after leaving the hotel.

8 September 2020