Qadin.NET / New academic year - The lesson will be 35 minutes, and on some days ...

New academic year - The lesson will be 35 minutes, and on some days ...

A new school year has started in Iran after a 7-month break.
The first bell rang at a ceremony attended by Education Minister Muhsin Haji Mirzai and President Hassan Rouhani at a video conference at the Nujavanan School in the capital, Tehran.
In his speech, Rouhani said that this year, under very difficult conditions, students across the country have taken responsibility: “There is no choice between the bread and life of the people. In the same way, it is not right to do this between education and health. Students are checked for health before entering school. Health tests are a concern for children. ”
The Minister of Education said that they acted within the decisions of the Coronavirus Anti-Virus Headquarters.
It should be noted that in the new academic year in Iran, classes will be held physically on some days and remotely on some days. The duration of the lesson will be 35 minutes. State television will also broadcast classes.

5 September 2020