Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 26,471,733 people worldwide.
873,223 infected people died and 18,664,301 were cured.
The top three in terms of the number of infections include the United States with 6,335,244 infections, Brazil with 4,046,150 infections and India with 3,936,747 infections.
Russia, Azerbaijan's border neighbor, ranks fourth with 1,009,995 infections.
The highest number of deaths among our neighbors was registered in Iran (21,926 people). The virus has been detected in 380,746 people in the country.
Coronavirus was detected in 274,943 people in Turkey, 44,271 in Armenia and 1,568 in Georgia.
Of the 36,899 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 541 died and 34,264 were cured

4 September 2020