Qadin.NET / Ministry of Education: Children will not be able to go to school only under the personal responsibility of parents

Ministry of Education: Children will not be able to go to school only under the personal responsibility of parents

If parents object to the child attending school, a written agreement will be signed with them stating that they are responsible for supervising the child's distance learning. In particular, parents will need to monitor their child's online lessons and TV lessons.
The statement came from the press service of the Azerbaijani Education Ministry.
It was stated that these students, like others, will undergo school assessment.
It should be noted that on August 29, the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov signed a decree "On the organization of teaching and learning process in educational institutions operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan during the special quarantine regime." According to this decision, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Health were instructed to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers temporary rules for the organization of the teaching and educational process in Azerbaijani educational institutions during the special quarantine regime within 10 days.

The teaching process in schools for students of I-IV grades will begin on September 15. Pupils of V-IX grades will start distance education from September 15. From October 1, the issue of involving them in the traditional form of education in schools will be considered. Senior students will also be involved in the traditional form of education from October 15. Students will come to school two or three times a week.

It has not yet been decided which classes will come to school two or three times a week. In addition, it is not known exactly how many students will be in the class at the same time, how long the class will last, and how many classes will be held per day. However, it is known that parents, along with the Ministry of Education, will have to take responsibility for their children's failure to attend school.

Nargiz Hashimzadeh, a child psychiatrist, psychological consultant and doctor of philosophy in medicine, told Media.Az about how difficult it will be for children to return to school after a long period of isolation.

"Children need to communicate and socialize. Otherwise, they will not be able to communicate with their peers, especially in an educational institution. They should exchange knowledge, play sports and develop a competitive spirit. Therefore, I consider it expedient to open schools. The sooner children enter society, the better their psychological condition will be. This is especially true for primary school students. For them, the beginning of the lesson is always an exciting event, even in the period before the pandemic was a little stressful. Now they are returning to school after a long, forced vacation. "Returning to school during a pandemic is a double stress," Hashimzade said.

According to him, teachers should come to the rescue. They need to understand that many children have already forgotten what discipline and daily routine are:

"Parents need to prepare their children for this. From now on, the child should be put to bed early and woken up early. This is very important. When it comes to hygiene standards, I think parents should have taught their children that already. Yes, it will be a little difficult psychologically for children, especially in the first days, but they will soon adapt. And the sooner the adaptation period begins, the sooner they will pass it. ”

31 August 2020