Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 25,387,328 people worldwide.
The virus killed 850,600 patients and cured 17,709,279 people.
The highest prevalence of coronavirus was 6,173,236 in the United States, 3,862,311 in Brazil and 3,621,245 in India.
The highest number of infections among Azerbaijan's border neighbors is in Russia (990,326 people), and death is in Iran (21,462 people).
Coronavirus infection is observed in 373,570 people in Iran, 268,546 in Turkey, 43,750 in Armenia and 1,469 in Georgia.
Of the 36,309 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 33,703 were cured and 531 died.

31 August 2020