Qadin.NET / A device that detects the possibility of corona infection

A device that detects the possibility of corona infection

Analytical company Gartner presented its research on the main trends in the information technology market in the coming years. In 2020, experts have listed new trends related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
One such trend is called a health passport, Qadin.Net reports quoting the Telegraph. This is a mobile application that shows the risk of infection. Such programs allow people at high risk of contracting the coronavirus to block access to supermarkets, restaurants and other public places.
According to Gartner, over time, technology has penetrated deeper into people's lives and led to the creation of digital versions of human beings that can be used for identification, access and payment.

The next trend in the Gartner report is algorithmic trust, which determines the confidentiality and security of data, the source of assets, and the identity of people and objects. Such technologies are becoming more relevant against the background of data leaks and the growth of fake news.

Another trend is silicon-free technologies. According to Moore's Law, the number of transistors in an integrated circuit will increase every two years, so the technology will face the physical limitations of silicon. As a result, new materials with expanded capabilities were developed.

28 August 2020