Qadin.NET / "Mother of the Year" was imprisoned for violence against her children

"Mother of the Year" was imprisoned for violence against her children

In Estonia, the winner of the title "Mother of the Year 2013" Malle Kobin was convicted of child abuse.
According to Qadin.Net, ERR reports about this.
A 68-year-old woman was sentenced to four years and six months in prison.
The court accused him of illegally depriving minors and injuring them.
The victims are between 9 and 17 years old. They are children adopted by Kobin. According to the indictment, the woman regularly beat the children and kept them in solitary confinement for several hours, sometimes for several days.
Named "Mother of the Year" in 2013, Kobe had five children and 12 grandchildren at the time. In 2014, she was awarded the Estonian Red Cross for her work protecting children.
Based on the information received from the Social Security Department, a criminal case was launched against him in 2019. The indictment alleges violence against five children between 2016 and 2019.

25 August 2020