Qadin.NET / When will the fight against COVID-19 end? - Disclosure

When will the fight against COVID-19 end? - Disclosure

The last two months have been a difficult period for Azerbaijan's health, society and state. There were difficulties in terms of the number of patients per 1 million population, the number of patients in the intensive care unit, as well as the number of patients in intensive care. The prompt action of the relevant authorities, the right decisions made in a timely manner regarding the quarantine regime, led to a double-digit reduction in the number of infections, which allowed the health, relevant agencies and society to breathe deeply. However, it should be borne in mind that viral diseases do not change their characteristics. Although the current figures are relatively comfortable, it is very important to follow the principle of social distance, hand hygiene and wearing a mask. We have to follow these rules until we find an antiviral drug or vaccine.
The statement came from Rashad Mahmudov, Deputy Chairman of the Health Committee of the Azerbaijani Parliament, Gadin.Net reports quoting the Telegraph.

According to him, the predictions about the new type of coronavirus (COVID-19) are based only on probabilities, realities in accordance with the prevalence of known viral diseases and infections. Which wave we are currently in will be revealed as a result of research years later, and then the dates of the largest wave, the first and second waves, will be known. For the time we live in now, we can say that Azerbaijan has been facing a big wave for the last two months. At present, the wave is relatively subdued and extinguished. In the autumn, there is an increase in viral diseases, even without contact with COVID. Due to the fact that some biological changes in the human body occur in the fall, the sudden transition from heat to cold, as well as the peculiarities of nature, the recurrence of inflammation is likely by experts, the World Health Organization and medical professionals. Therefore, we must be fully prepared for this.
There is no information that two viruses cause problems in the body at the same time in infectious diseases. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during the autumn, especially in October-November. When one person became infected that season, we did not feel intimidated, although sometimes all of his family members became infected in turn. The COVID-19 virus has completely changed the traditional view of the upper respiratory tract, creating a real threat of death. In addition to causing an influx of hospitals, it is likely to cause significant damage to the working mechanism of medical institutions and health care systems. For example, in a country of 10 million people, 10 percent of the population is infected with the flu and other infectious diseases, and even without COVID, there are moderate or severe complaints, such as runny nose, cough, and high fever. In the past, not even 1 percent of the 1 million people infected with the virus needed to see a doctor. However, even without COVID, infection with other viral infections can lead to fears of new referrals to hospitals and overcrowding in hospitals due to the difficulty of distinguishing between these diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to be fully prepared for it. But at the same time, it is important to understand that the virus is not as scary as you might think. People need to know when to go to the hospital and see a doctor so that when there are selections, health facilities can provide medical care to those who need it most.
Mahmudov said that it is necessary to take into account that in the autumn we will face upper respiratory infections with or without COVID. Therefore, we must try to overcome this problem, the wave that awaits us, by taking the necessary measures and showing solidarity.
"I think that after the winter months, the world will have the opportunity to see a healthy life. "Although COVID will not go away soon, we will have a clearer picture of the new practices, treatments and vaccines that the world health and doctors are gaining in the fight against the disease."
It was noted that our country has successfully passed the fight against COVID infection. No matter how much the material and technical capacity of the existing hospitals is strengthened, the construction and commissioning of modular hospitals in the fight against COVID is very useful and necessary, as well as a great contribution to the treatment of patients. These hospitals have made it possible for COVID-19 patients to be treated without endangering other patients, while at the same time being prepared for treatment in a single area. The average number of intensive care beds in the largest hospitals in the world varies from 8 to 25. While the largest hospitals have a maximum of 40 resuscitation beds, the importance of having 300-500 resuscitation beds in a modular hospital is significant.

At the same time, work is underway to make more efficient use of human resources, doctors, nurses, nurses, as well as technical work and planned preparation of equipment for the expected wave. We hope that all this will allow us to overcome the expected wave. We wish that this wave would not happen and our life would go smoothly.
At present, there are different approaches, not because the virus has mutated and changed in nature, but because certain gaps and weaknesses have been identified in the fight against it. There is a reality in the fight against the virus that will never change throughout history, and it will not change once all vaccines have been developed, even after the world's number one vaccine has been developed. There is no information on the effectiveness of vaccines in viral diseases. However, it is a misconception for the world community to think that vaccination will end everything. Therefore, we must fight within the realities and logic, understanding the event. A tenfold increase in the world's existing medical capabilities and human resources could increase the effectiveness of treating such viral diseases and pandemics by 3-5 percent in the short term.

The most important thing in the fight against pandemics is to take measures to prevent infection. To prevent the spread of infection, states apply quarantine regimes, during which time they try to explain to their citizens the structure of the health care system. An individual's personal reaction to the virus can cause the infection to spiral out of control.

He said that COVID will not disappear from the world, but we must continue to fight it without fear of genetic mutations until it becomes safer, unconditionally adhered to three rules - the proper use of masks, social distance, hand pay attention to hygiene.
Giving information about serological tests and their importance, R.Mahmudov said: “Serological tests are one of the methods of examination. When there is any viral infection in the body, specific antibodies are formed in the body's immune system. Some of these antibodies are only in the form of immunoglobulin M during active infection, and some are in the form of immunoglobulin G, which remains in the body after infection.

Serological tests are one of the tests used to screen for infection in the community in terms of unknown infections and disease. There are other benefits to these tests. The amount of antibodies in the body allows you to get information about the strength of resistance to a second infection that may occur later. Also, since the list of previously infected people is known, it is possible to treat patients with complications using their blood.

Unfortunately, it is sometimes thought that those who develop immunoglobulin G after exposure to the disease are at risk as plasma donors. This is completely wrong and wrong. Therefore, in the face of big waves, there is a great need to widely promote the principle of volunteerism in saving the lives of new infections with the donation of previously infected.

24 August 2020