Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 23,120,988 people worldwide.
The virus has killed 803,213 patients and cured 15,715,218.
The continent with the highest prevalence of the virus is North America (6,846,553 people), the country is the United States (5,796,727 people).
Other places are shared by Brazil with 3,536,488 infections, India with 2,975,701 infections and Russia with 946,976 infections.
Coronavirus was registered in 354,764 people in Iran, 255,723 in Turkey, 42,477 in Armenia and 1,385 in Georgia.
Among Azerbaijan's border neighbors, Iran has the highest number of deaths from the virus (20,376 people).
Of the 34,921 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 512 died and 32,682 were cured.

22 August 2020