Qadin.NET / A mother with many children lost 45 kg following a simple rule - PHOTO

A mother with many children lost 45 kg following a simple rule - PHOTO

A resident of Huma, Louisiana, USA, lost 45 kg a year following a simple rule. So he decided to try the CICO method (giving more calories than he received), and the results were amazing.
According to Gadin.Net, the Daily Mail reports that Georgia Malbro, a 26-year-old mother of three, realized that the situation had reached a critical point when she reached 103 kg.
"I realized that I needed to find a balance in life and take care of my health in order to fully enjoy motherhood," she said.
Although she tried different diets, they all came to the same conclusion - the lost pounds came back. Finally, Malbro decided to look for another way: he learned on the Internet how the body burns fat and how the metabolism works:
"I learned a simple truth - losing weight depends on the ratio of calories eaten and burned. I think this is the main rule to lose weight "

Using a formula to calculate metabolism, Malbro determined the daily calories he could lose by walking five kilometers three times a week, and then bought a fitness bracelet to track the number of calories he burned during the day.

As a result, she lost 58 kilograms in 13 months and was able to maintain this weight for the next six months. He currently visits the gym six times a week and shares his success on Instagram.

A mother with many children lost 45 kg following a simple rule - PHOTO
22 August 2020