Qadin.NET / Those who want to receive vocational training must choose a specialty by the specified date

Those who want to receive vocational training must choose a specialty by the specified date

8,263 people participated in the process of admission of students to the level of vocational education for the 2020-2021 academic year and passed electronic registration. 6061 of them chose a specialty.
The statement came from the Ministry of Education, Qadin.Net reports.

It was noted that those interested in receiving vocational education must register free of charge on the platform by August 24, as well as complete the selection of specialties.

After selecting and approving the relevant specialties, a person applying for a vocational education degree can enter his / her personal account and monitor the status of his / her application.

It should be noted that students who do not take part in the final exam can also participate in the process of admission to vocational education by general education institutions on the basis of a certificate stating the student's academic year, educational base and annual grades in subjects.

If the applicant has difficulties with the registration process, he should read the "instructions" in his personal account, as well as the "video instructions". In other cases, you can apply through the hotline of the State Agency for Vocational Education (012-599-12-77) and social media.

For the first time in the current academic year, dual programs will be implemented jointly with employers in the student admission process. Among those who want to get vocational education, the most preferred specialties are dual programs implemented jointly with employers.

Student enrollment for the 2020-2021 academic year is carried out in 66 vocational education institutions in 120 specialties.

19 August 2020