Qadin.NET / ANNOUNCEMENT about the beginning of the new school year - Appeal to parents

ANNOUNCEMENT about the beginning of the new school year - Appeal to parents

It is said that schools in Azerbaijan will operate on September 15 under new conditions.
Parents were informed about this from schools. It was noted that classes will be held three times a week in the new academic year.
According to the parents, classes will be held once a week for the Azerbaijani section and two days a week for the Russian section.
It was also stated that 3 subjects (Russian, mathematics and English) will be taught each school day and one lesson will last 25 minutes.
It is said that schools in Azerbaijan will operate on September 15 under new conditions.
Parents were informed about this from schools. It was noted that classes will be held three times a week in the new academic year.
According to the parents, classes will be held once a week for the Azerbaijani section and two days a week for the Russian section.
It was also stated that 3 subjects (Russian, mathematics and English) will be taught each school day and one lesson will last 25 minutes.

Parents were informed that other subjects will be taught online.

According to the parents, the classes will be divided into groups of 30 people and taught on different days.

Education Ministry spokesman Jasarat Valehov said the information did not reflect the truth:

"The ministry has not made any decision on how to organize the new school year. No information was sent to the schools due to the lack of a decision. All the information is a rumor. We urge people not to trust such information. "(Mediapost)

18 August 2020