Qadin.NET / DECISION of the Cabinet of Ministers on compulsory insurance

DECISION of the Cabinet of Ministers on compulsory insurance

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the "Rules for the creation and use of insurance reserves for compulsory health insurance."
This Regulation determines the creation of insurance reserves for compulsory health insurance and the procedure for their use.
According to the rule, the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance creates insurance reserves in the amount of 4% of the financial sources of the compulsory medical insurance fund in order to ensure the stability of its activities on insurance operations. The use of insurance reserves is allowed by the decision of the Management Board of the Agency, taking into account the requirements of this Regulation.
The use of insurance reserves is allowed in one or more of the following cases:
- creation of additional liabilities in proportion to the increase in tariffs for medical services covered by the service package of compulsory health insurance as a result of inflation;

- increase in the Agency's liabilities in foreign currency due to exchange rate fluctuations;

- Meeting of additional obligations arising from the high demand for medical services when declaring martial law in accordance with Article 111 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

- Requirement of additional financial resources in connection with the provision of medical services to the insured in the event of a state of emergency in accordance with Article 112 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

- non-fulfillment of obligations of the compulsory health insurance fund as a result of non-fulfillment of fees on financial sources at the forecasted level;

- increase in demand for medical services due to exceeding the forecasted demographic indicators;

- Exceeding the total amount of liabilities for compulsory health insurance payments as a result of changes in the morbidity trends of the population due to other processes not listed in this Regulation, exceeding the amount provided in the budget of the Agency for this expenditure.

18 August 2020