Qadin.NET / She pretended to be a cancer patient in order not to leave her lover

She pretended to be a cancer patient in order not to leave her lover

Kevin Bevis, a British citizen, said that he had cancer for three years in order not to leave the woman he loved.
According to Qadin.Net, this was reported by the Daily Mail.
The publication notes that the relationship between Kevin Bevis and Karen Gregory began in 2016. At first, everything went well, but then problems arose. Three months later, the woman wanted to leave, but the man managed to dissuade her. In 2017, Bevis lied to his girlfriend that he had cancer. He took 20 vitamins a day and prescribed them as an anti-cancer drug. Bevis urged Kare not to leave her alone during treatment. Although she wanted to leave him, she could not leave him alone.
Kevin repeatedly raised his hand to Karen. In 2019, Karen's daughter persuaded him to call the police and learn more about his diagnosis.
Bevis pleaded guilty. The man was later sentenced to 18 months in prison. He was also banned from approaching Karen.

16 August 2020