Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 21,616,917 people worldwide.
The virus has killed 768,989 patients and cured 14,332,746.
Among the continents, coronavirus is most prevalent in North America (6,520,091 people), Asia (5,579,677 people) and South America (5,228,818 people).
Among the countries, the virus was most common in the United States (5,529,789 people), Brazil (3,317,832 people) and India (2,590,501 people).
Russia, Azerbaijan's border neighbor, ranks fourth in the world with 917,884 infections.
Of our other neighbors, 341,070 were diagnosed with coronavirus in Iran, 248,117 in Turkey, 41,495 in Armenia and 1,321 in Georgia.

Of the 34,107 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 31,697 were cured and 506 died.

16 August 2020