Qadin.NET / Trump unexpected order - within 90 days ...

Trump unexpected order - within 90 days ...

US President Donald Trump has signed a decree banning Chinese technology company ByteDance, which owns the TikTok app, from operating in the United States for 90 days.
The White House said in a statement that there was "credible evidence" that ByteDance would pose a threat to US national security.
According to the decree, all the property of the technology company ByteDance in the United States will be liquidated within 90 days.
According to the decree, ByteDance is expected to inform the Foreign Investment Committee by destroying the information received from users during this period.
On August 7, Donald Trump signed two decrees banning US companies or organizations from doing anything with Chinese companies' social media applications TikTok and WeChat.

Trump also announced that he would ban the US branch of the social media platform TikTok on September 15 if it is not sold to any American company.

15 August 2020