Qadin.NET / What do people spend the most money on in Azerbaijan?

What do people spend the most money on in Azerbaijan?

Monthly consumption expenditures per capita have increased in Azerbaijan.
According to official statistics, per capita consumption in the country in 2019 amounted to 298 manat 40 kopecks.
In 2018, this figure was 286 manat.
In 2019, food products are in the first place in consumer spending. Thus, the population of Azerbaijan spends 123 manat 80 kopecks per person per month on food.
The population spends 1 manat 60 kopecks per person per month on alcohol, 4 manat 30 kopecks on tobacco products, 18 manat 40 kopecks on clothes and shoes.

What do people spend the most money on in Azerbaijan?
12 August 2020