Instructions have been sent to school principals for the new school year.
According to Qadin.Net, this was reported by
The instruction states the following:
I. Before the beginning of the school year:
Ensure that each school has a doctor or nurse during the school week. To exchange information with the DOCTOR, to carry out coordination work. Infected families, their relatives, students with chronic and other infectious and dangerous diseases, and their carriers should not come to classes. Their education should be organized by central schools at a distance. The identification and registration of these students, the schedule of classes in which they are unable to attend visually, should be coordinated between the school and the central school. Students' transfer sheets should be paralleled with the Ministry of Health - documents should be electronic. Coordinate the graduate system, UTIS, student transfer system, the system of the Ministry of Health. Electronic personal files. Minimize the use of paper media in document exchanges.
Prevent student movements that are not related to the forced relocation of a parent and other necessary circumstances (better school, etc.).
Curricula should not allocate hours to clubs and faculties. Establish operational and mobile curricula, and develop realistic curricula to prevent financial losses.
I, V, IX grades should prepare schedules for teaching three times a week, intermediate classes twice a week. Teaching in grades X and XI should be organized entirely online (taking into account the possibility that they may be carriers of the virus after tutoring in different areas of the city).
Basic and practical subjects (language of instruction, foreign language, mathematics, chemistry, physics) should be taught visually, other subjects should be taught online at a distance (mixed teaching model). Physical education and life skills classes must be held. These lessons should include topics relevant to the pandemic and health care, as well as sports activities. These subjects, especially physical education classes, can be taught by setting an additional lesson schedule.
New instruction on psychologists - 1 psychologist match for 500 students. Establish new rules of conduct for psychologists. Establish rules for the use of all existing entrance doors (different classrooms and different rooms) to ensure that students have access to the school building through different doors in order to prevent crowds and contact.
Marking lines should be drawn in front of school buildings to wait for the social distance. Students should be given textbook sets in special packages. Provide them for teachers and students who do not have the necessary electronic equipment (for online lessons).
II. At school at the beginning of the lesson:
School staff should be provided with appropriate protective equipment (if necessary, special clothing, gloves, face shield, medical mask, disinfectant). Students with high body temperature should not be admitted to school in accordance with the opinion of the school doctor.
Put a thermometer and disinfection device on the door, everyone must use it. Ensure that students wash their hands in the bathroom at the beginning and end of class. To do this, the school infrastructure should be put in order.
Prohibit students from gathering in the school yard and inside the school. The deputy organizer, UBTR, some laboratory assistants and teachers on duty should monitor students' attendance and behavior. To do this, set temporary norms.
Teachers and other employees at risk should not be hired. If their classes are not available online, they should be assigned to other teachers on a substitute basis. If possible, prepare online schedules.
Carry out regular disinfection of sanitary junctions, rooms and corridors. Attendance is not mandatory.
Students must use a medical mask. Teachers and staff should use masks and, if possible, face masks (non-instructional guidance is mandatory). Inside the school, student movement should be organized with the necessary social distance.
III. Organization of lessons:
Use protective coatings in classrooms where possible and where necessary.
Ensure frequent classroom air conditioning.
Classes should not be held in damp, poorly ventilated rooms with poor daylight. One lesson should be set at 35 minutes and the rest period at 10 minutes. Define a maximum of five lessons (face-to-face or online) per day. Keep track of online lessons. In this regard, it should be temporarily added to the legislative base. To reduce the number of students in full-time classes, the classes should be divided into two parts: for example, 5a1 and 5a2. Divide the workload evenly between these two classes. For example, if the language of instruction is six hours, three hours are 5a1 and + three hours are 5a2.