Qadin.NET / Well digger finds historical examples in Jalilabad - VIDEO

Well digger finds historical examples in Jalilabad - VIDEO

A resident of Alar village of Jalilabad region encountered an interesting sight while digging a farm well in the yard.
According to Qadin.Net Baku TV, historical and cultural artifacts were found in the excavation area.
The findings were found in the area of ​​life belonging to Afaddin Mirzayev, a resident of the region. Historical remains mainly consist of the remains of household gloves and various household items.
According to the information, the spheres, believed to belong to the XI-XII centuries, were used in the manufacture of various pottery.
This is evidenced by the remains of ash around the globe. The discovery of this type of find indicates the high level of development of the art of pottery in this area in the Middle Ages.
According to experts, these findings may consist of the remains of only one cultural class. Because these areas have long been swamps, it seems impossible for uninterrupted life to continue for a long time. An examination of the existing findings may reveal extensive historical information about the Middle Ages.
It should be noted that the find is considered to be the second medieval production sphere in Jalilabad.

12 August 2020