Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 20,524,118 people worldwide.
The virus killed 745,937 people and cured 13,443,787.
The five countries with the highest prevalence of coronavirus are the United States (5,305,957 people), Brazil (3,112,393 people), India (2,330,327 people), Russia (897,599 people), and South Africa (566,109 people).
Of Azerbaijan's border neighbors, 331,189 were registered in Iran, 243,180 in Turkey, 40,593 in Armenia and 1,264 in Georgia.
So far, coronavirus has been observed in 33,731 people in Azerbaijan. Of those infected, 30,856 were cured and 495 died.

12 August 2020