Qadin.NET / The world can get rid of the pandemic for $ 100 BILLION

The world can get rid of the pandemic for $ 100 BILLION

According to the WHO, more than $ 100 billion is needed to provide a universal way out for the coronavirus vaccine.
A briefing was held today in Geneva with the participation of the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus. He said that there is a long way to go to provide the world's population with vaccines, which requires a lot of money:

"The WHO has exceeded 10% of the required billions of dollars in funding," he said. More than $ 100 billion is needed for vaccines alone. This is a large enough amount to cover the cost of producing the vaccine for all countries. The world's population is more than 7.7 billion people. We are already seeing green seedlings in the direction of vaccination. ”

It should be noted that the richest countries have already "lined up" for the vaccine, and a large number of orders have been placed. There are claims that the United States, Britain, Germany and other countries will receive most of them if the vaccine is ready. It should be noted that a similar situation occurred during the "swine flu" pandemic.

11 August 2020