Qadin.NET / Infectious disease expert Georgi Vikulov: "Infection increased in Spain and Russia when beaches opened" - INTERVIEW

Infectious disease expert Georgi Vikulov: "Infection increased in Spain and Russia when beaches opened" - INTERVIEW

Autumn - the season of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI) is approaching. The situation is aggravated by a coronavirus pandemic. How will ARVI be treated? Same on the COVID-19 protocol? At the same time, it is known that to date, about 20 million people have been infected with COVID-19, and about four percent of them have died.

Today, the questions of Media.Az are answered by Georgi Vikulov, director of the Scientific-Information Center for Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, PhD, immunologist, infectious disease specialist, Gadin.Net reports.

- ARVI and COVID-19, of course, are treated according to different protocols. But there is another point: if ARVI is severe with pneumonia, then it will be considered a potential coronavirus infection with all precautions arising from the situation. It should be noted that 30-50% of coronavirus infections in humans are asymptomatic.

- The pandemic declared by the WHO, for example, led to the development of distance education, many of whom went to work remotely. What about distance medicine?

- We have it in Russia and it is called telemedicine. This trend is really developing all over the world. Remote consultations are held and I have been actively involved in them for several years.

- The number of infected people in Azerbaijan in recent weeks is much lower than the number of daily cures. At the same time, Azerbaijan is one of the world leaders in conducting per capita PCR tests (polymerase chain reaction). About 800,000 tests were conducted. Serological tests are also performed. Does the available data indicate that the disease has reached its peak?

- Let's start with serological tests. These are antibody tests (which in many cases allow a person to determine if they have undergone COVID-19 - ed.).

As for the peak, the peak of infection on a global scale has not been exceeded. The number of new infections is higher than the number of cured.

- The issue of opening beaches in Azerbaijan was actively discussed ...

- This issue has been discussed and is being discussed, not only in Azerbaijan. In Spain, for example, there has been a 400 percent increase in new infections in the two weeks since tourists began arriving. In Russia - in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, after the opening of the beach season, there was a sharp increase in the number of infections. Unfortunately, we will still see an increase in the number of infections.

10 August 2020