Qadin.NET / President: We will return to our native Karabakh

President: We will return to our native Karabakh

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today inaugurated the support block of the Karabakh field at the Heydar Aliyev Baku Deepwater Jacket Plant. After the ceremony, President Ilham Aliyev gave an interview to Azerbaijan Television.
Qadin.Net reports with reference to that it presents some points from the interview of the head of state.
"Today, offshore work on the Karabakh field begins. This is a very important stage in the development of the field. This huge facility was built in Azerbaijan. It is being launched by Azerbaijani specialists and is being launched today."
"Our main focus now is on the completion of the Southern Gas Corridor. This project is also being successfully implemented. The fourth and final project, TAP, is nearing completion."

"Today, Azerbaijan is returning to the Karabakh field, which was abandoned in the 1990s, and this huge block of support is a clear proof of that."

"Our territorial integrity will be fully restored, just as today we return to the once abandoned Karabakh field, in the same way we will return to our native Karabakh. Karabakh is ours, Karabakh is Azerbaijan!"

10 August 2020