Qadin.NET / CLAIM from the professor who made all the predictions come true: he will be the new president of the United States

CLAIM from the professor who made all the predictions come true: he will be the new president of the United States

Democrat candidate Joe Biden will win the US presidential election.
The lawsuit was filed by Allan Litchman, a professor at the University of the United States, whose predictions have been correct since 1984, Qadin.Net reports.
According to the 13 criteria system created by the professor, Joe Biden will become the new leader of the United States by defeating the current President Donald Trump.
Speaking to the New York Times, Litchman said the battle between Biden and Trump would be difficult and the turnout would be close. According to him, the Democratic candidate leads in 7 criteria, and Trump in 6 criteria.

His criteria included economic figures, scandals involving candidates and personal charisma, social concerns and length of service.

Allan Litchman said that Donald Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton and become president in 2016, and predicted that he would be impeached.

7 August 2020