Qadin.NET / STATEMENT from the Ministry of Education on the beginning of the new school year

STATEMENT from the Ministry of Education on the beginning of the new school year

As a result of measures taken against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in our country, it has been possible to prevent the spread of the virus, and in recent days there has been a decrease in the number of infections. In order to maintain this dynamics, until August 31, 2020, certain restrictions remain in the country within the framework of the special quarantine regime, including the tightened special quarantine in a number of cities and regions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNESCO have said that in the current global pandemic, education systems need to take flexible approaches to the epidemiological situation and develop new procedures, but be extremely careful about lifting restrictions on the COVID-19 pandemic.

At present, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan is taking systematic measures to prepare for the 2020-2021 academic year.

The statement came from the Ministry of Education.

It was noted that the process of admission of students to the first grades of general education institutions is underway, the teacher recruitment exam is scheduled to begin next week, and work is underway on construction and repair of educational institutions, preparation of teaching resources and other areas.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education studies the experience of other countries and the recommendations of international organizations in organizing the educational process in a pandemic, and holds discussions with relevant government agencies in this direction.

Regardless of the sanitary-epidemiological conditions in the country, appropriate measures are being taken to ensure the right of all students to education in the 2020-2021 academic year.

For this purpose, along with the traditional form of education, a number of models for different levels of education have already been formed. Along with the use of available resources in this direction, cooperation is being carried out with international organizations.

Proposals for the organization of the educational process take into account the age groups and learning needs of students, the characteristics of the levels of education, the capabilities of educational infrastructure, the epidemiological situation in different regions of the country and the restrictions imposed by the quarantine regime.

The public will be regularly informed about this.

5 August 2020