Qadin.NET / "Coffin and corpse" protest against the opening of schools in the United States

"Coffin and corpse" protest against the opening of schools in the United States

In New York, people took to the streets in "coffins and corpses" to protest the opening of schools.

Ruptly released a video from the scene.

The students, their parents and teachers were all wearing masks.
Protesters fear that the number of infections will rise again during the transition to full-time education: models of "corpses" in coffins and bags reflect the results of children's return to school.

"Schools are extremely dangerous," "I teach poetry, not pediatrics," "Students' lives are important!" slogans such as

It is noted that the protesters marched from the headquarters of the Teachers' Federation to the offices of the Department of Education.

In early August, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled plans to open city schools in September. De Blasio suggested switching to offline education if the COVID-19 infection rate did not exceed three percent.

At the same time, the training will be not two weeks, but only two or three days, depending on the number of applicants.

5 August 2020