Qadin.NET / Foreign Ministry: "Holding a toy meeting with a so-called organization is nothing but self-deception"

Foreign Ministry: "Holding a toy meeting with a so-called organization is nothing but self-deception"

"Armenian Foreign Minister Z. Mnatsakanyan's meeting with the so-called 'minister' of the illegal regime created by Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan yesterday to discuss the aggressive Armenian attack on the Azerbaijani-Armenian international border is another provocative step of this country."
The statement came from Leyla Abdullayeva, head of the Foreign Ministry's press service. According to her, holding a toy meeting with the so-called organization is nothing but self-deception:
"As for de-escalation and observance of the ceasefire, the ceasefire is not a solution to the conflict, the goal is to eliminate the main consequences of the conflict and, first of all, to lay the groundwork for comprehensive and substantive talks to withdraw troops from the occupied territories," he said. "If Armenia really wants to achieve peace, it must put an end to the occupation of Armenia, which is the cause of the ceasefire violation, and the illegal presence of the Armenian armed forces in the territories of Azerbaijan," the Foreign Ministry said. the official stressed.

2 August 2020