Qadin.NET / Education costs are reduced

Education costs are reduced

Azerbaijan's state budget for 2020 envisages changes in spending on science and education.
According to Gadin.Net, this is stated in the draft amendments to the law "On the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2020."
This year's state budget approved science expenditures in the amount of 193 million 662 thousand 887 manat. The cost of education was set at 3 billion 155 million 797 thousand 681 manat.
The draft amendment states that science expenditures will be approved in the amount of 187 million 317 thousand 72 manat, and education expenditures in the amount of 3 billion 34 million 767 thousand 819 manat.
The bill will be discussed during the extraordinary session of the Milli Majlis, which will begin on August 4.

31 July 2020