Qadin.NET / Is it possible to go to the beaches or is it forbidden? - STATEMENT from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Is it possible to go to the beaches or is it forbidden? - STATEMENT from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Today, many citizens living in strict quarantine regime want the beach season to open.
As you know, due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation due to the coronavirus pandemic, Azerbaijan has introduced a second strict quarantine regime, which will last from June 21 to August 5. This regime operates in Baku, Jalilabad, Ganja, Masalli, Mingachevir, Sumgayit, Yevlakh, Absheron, Barda, Goranboy, Goygol, Khachmaz, Siyazan and Sheki regions.
According to the decision of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan, it is forbidden to go to the beaches in the regions where the strict quarantine regime is re-applied. During a recent briefing at the Operational Headquarters, Shahmar Movsumov, Aide to the President of Azerbaijan and Head of the Presidential Administration's Economic Affairs and Innovative Development Policy Department, said that the tightened quarantine regime would not be extended after August 5 and restrictions would be gradually lifted.
However, there is no reason to expect the beaches to open until this date. According to Movsumov, this may cancel the work done so far to combat the coronavirus.
"Therefore, we cannot lift this restriction yet. It is very risky to open beaches. There are three points to note here. First, people will not be able to maintain social distance in a large crowd, and this will lead to an increase in the number of infections. Second, the people there will buy food and water and use common things, which is risky. "The third is that people from different parts of the city gather on the same beach, which increases the risk of transmitting the virus to residents of other regions," Movsumov said.
He noted that the restriction will be lifted if it is possible to plan and organize this process: “Unfortunately, it will not be possible to achieve this until August 5. However, if we are sure that the adopted rules will reduce the risks, this issue will be considered after August 5.
However, it is no secret that some citizens go to the beaches and relax on the beach. Media.Az has decided to clarify with the Interior Ministry whether this violates the existing quarantine regime.
"The use of public beaches as part of a strict quarantine regime is prohibited. However, if a citizen is allowed to leave the house, he can walk along the beach and be in the fresh air. This is not a violation of the quarantine regime, "Interior Ministry spokesman Ehsan Zahidov told
He reminded that under quarantine, it is forbidden to gather more than five people in public places.
Note that the special quarantine regime in Azerbaijan has been extended until August 31 this year.

29 July 2020