Qadin.NET / A geneticist has discovered the truth about vaccine safety

A geneticist has discovered the truth about vaccine safety

Konstantin Severinov, head of the laboratory at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Rutgers University (USA), spoke about the complications that could be caused by the rapid production of the coronavirus vaccine COVID-19. "If we are talking about the vaccine being ready by the fall, we must first determine what a complete vaccine is," he said.

Now there are constant reports in the media that the vaccine is ready, but they are misleading people. ”He said that only the first stages of clinical trials have been completed so far. Vaccines that have already been approved may not reach the consumer for a number of reasons: they will be ineffective and dangerous, or they will be difficult to produce. First, pre-clinical animal examinations are performed in the laboratory.

Everything called clinical trials are human trials. However, a small number of healthy volunteers are involved. This is done to show that the vaccine is safe. The second stage is when the vaccine is actively administered to a large group. In this case, there is a possibility of older people. However, such experiments have not yet begun. For example, the Ministry of Defense tested young soldiers. The third stage is a very large test conducted under the double control of twelve thousand people. When physicians do not know if they are injecting, vaccinating, or taking a placebo, neither subjects know what they are being administered. And look at the development of the immune response. The vaccination must be already certified in the third stage before registration. And only the results of the third stage will determine whether the vaccine itself, but also its method and location of production will be approved, "said the doctor of biological sciences.

28 July 2020