Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 16,650,148 people worldwide.
656,621 infected people died and 10,234,971 were cured.
The countries with the highest prevalence of coronavirus in the world are the United States (4,433,410 people), Brazil (2,446,397 people), India (1,484,136 people), Russia (818,120 people), and South Africa (452,529 people).
Of the 293,606 people infected with the coronavirus in Iran, 15,912 died and 255,144 were cured. Coronavirus was detected in 227,019 people in Turkey. In our neighbor, 5,630 people died of the virus and 210,469 were cured.
The virus was registered in 37,390 people in Armenia and 1,137 people in Georgia.
Of the 30,446 people infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 423 died and 23,242 were cured.

28 July 2020