Qadin.NET / Ebru Sally spoke about the pictures of the rest

Ebru Sally spoke about the pictures of the rest

Host Ebru Shalli, who lost his 10-year-old son Pars in April, posted photos of his aunt for the first time in three months.
According to Gadin.Net, citing foreign media, the artist responded to the criticism, which caused discussions on social media.
Ebru: "I'm trying to stand up. I'm sick of the drugs I'm taking. It's so hard I can't explain it. My son Beren and my wife Ugur connect me to life. I'm in touch with my donut at all times. My son is a real angel."
They criticized my photos on social media. I do not care what the nation says. If they stay, they want me to die. Death, what will pass into their hands? I will fulfill the will of my donkey. I was told in the operating room, mother, always be happy. Now I cling to those words, "he said.

27 July 2020