Qadin.NET / What diseases does the rising temperature in the evenings indicate? - DESCRIPTION

What diseases does the rising temperature in the evenings indicate? - DESCRIPTION

Physician-therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist Tatyana Romanenko clarified what diseases are caused by a rise in body temperature in the evening.

According to the expert, the rise in body temperature to 37 degrees is a fluctuation within the norm and does not require special attention.

It is worth worrying if the temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees.

The doctor says that the causes of such subfebrile fever are different and can be physiological: physical activity, hot meals or certain medications, as well as premenstrual conditions in women and alcohol can lead to such a rise in temperature.

At the same time, pathological causes should not be ruled out. First of all, a cold causes a rise in temperature in the evening. Romanenko notes that such cases are also observed in slow-growing inflammatory diseases.

"To determine this, it is necessary to analyze the C-reactive protein," said the expert.

In addition, hormonal disorders or problems with the thyroid gland raise the temperature. In many oncological diseases, the body temperature rises in the evening.

"There is also a neurological disease called thermoneurosis, which leads to a violation of the regulation of body temperature," Romanenko said. In this case, you should consult a neurologist.

26 July 2020