Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 15,943,547 people worldwide.
642,751 infected people died and 9,726,064 were cured.
Among the countries, the highest number of coronavirus infections (4,248,327 people), deaths (148,490 people) and recovery (2,028,074 people) are observed in the United States.
In second place is Brazil (2,348,200 infections, 85,385 deaths, 1,592,281 recovery), and in third place is India (1,337,022 infections, 31,406 deaths, 850,107 recovery).
Russia is the fourth of our border neighbors with 800,849 infections. Of those infected with the coronavirus in the country, 13,046 died and 588,774 were cured.
286,523 cases were registered in Iran, 224,252 in Turkey, 36,613 in Armenia and 1,104 in Georgia.
So far, 29,312 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus in Azerbaijan. 400 of them died and 21,547 recovered.

25 July 2020