Qadin.NET / How does the vaccine work and is it safe?

How does the vaccine work and is it safe?

A number of vaccine tests for coronavirus infection have already been completed. All volunteers have developed immunity. According to official statements, the Russian vaccine is almost ready to be made public. All volunteers felt well after the vaccination and developed antibodies against the coronavirus infection. Is it worth getting these vaccines? How safe are they?
Qadin.Net acquaints readers with the answers to these questions with reference to
How does the immune system fight infection? Diseases prevented by vaccination can be dangerous or even fatal. Vaccines significantly reduce the risk of infection. Because it uses the body's immune response to develop immunity to disease. In other words, the body is not treated with drugs, but is vaccinated as a "saboteur", which affects the body's ability to self-medicate and gain permanent immunity. Bacteria or viruses multiply in our bodies and attack us. This attack is called an infection, and the infection causes the disease. The immune system uses several tools to fight infection. The main ones are leukocytes transmitted by blood and lymph. There are several types of leukocytes. Therefore, our body fights the disease in several stages.
When the body first encounters a bacterium or virus that causes an infection, it takes several days to fight it. During this time, the body develops anti-infectives. When a virus or bacterium dies, the immune system will "remember" all the means it uses to protect the body from a particular disease. Vaccination promotes the development of immunity through a kind of "fake" disease. That is, the body is artificially stimulated to develop anti-infectives. The vaccine will really help fight the disease when we are sick and will simplify the fight. Sometimes, after a vaccination, a "fake infection" can cause mild illness symptoms (such as fever). These mild symptoms are a common phenomenon and are expected to occur at a time when the body is engaged in the process of developing the means of struggle. Today, there are 5 main vaccines given to humans in general. The principle used to prepare the coronavirus vaccine is still a mystery. However, according to Alexander Ginsburg, director of the Gamaleya Institute, vaccines against COVID-19 will be tested, including in children. This shows that vaccines are completely safe and effective.

23 July 2020