Qadin.NET / Who benefits from the pandemic, why is the vaccine delayed?

Who benefits from the pandemic, why is the vaccine delayed?

Therapeutic drugs for COViD-19 are difficult to produce, and only a few countries treat people according to new guidelines. Attempts to eliminate the COVID-19 pandemic in the world as soon as possible have led to a series of measures that have no analogues in the modern history of mankind. The main difficulty was that the effectiveness of all existing antiviral drugs against the new strain of coronavirus had not been studied. After that, the world's pharmaceutical giants and major research companies began to look for the optimal treatment regimen.

The author of the "handbook" Konstantin Khomanov said that the search for the vaccine will not end soon. He cited viral infections as an example of this, and said that their treatment was not detected in a short time. "We did not defeat the Ebola virus so quickly. The first infection was registered in the 1970s, and the vaccine was introduced to the public only in 2019, "said Konstantin Khomanov. Doctors and virologists say that the pandemic has spread to many parts of the world and human health will never be the same. For example, scientists in China, where the disease first spread, said that even 11 weeks after recovery, the level of lymphocytes in the blood of patients with COVID-19 did not reach normal. The researchers note that this new type of coronavirus infection has similar symptoms to HIV. Thus, only HIV on the planet causes chronic damage to immune cells. The vaccine will enrich drug companies, but will not cure ... After the withdrawal of the United States from the WHO, each country will be engaged in the development of a new vaccine against the infection. At the same time, medical experts and researchers are cautiously optimistic, because unlike the arms race, there is nothing wrong with the coronavirus vaccination race. Health expert Konstantin Khomanov added that protection from the "corona" will cost a lot of money because of the high demand for vaccines in the world. "Pharmaceutical giants are interested in developing vaccines, but all stages of research are very long and can not be shortened. If some important complications are overlooked during the study, it could harm tens of thousands of people and undermine the reputation and credibility of all pharmaceutical companies, ”the expert said. If the vaccine is added to the national vaccination schedule, it will automatically become widespread. But now it is too early to talk about it. You don't have to go far for the closest example. Several types of coronavirus vaccines are being developed in the United States.

One of the first drugs for COVID-19 therapy was developed by private American companies, including Remdesivir. According to Victor Kahn, a researcher at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, vaccination is not a cure, but a guarantee of infection. Therapy is now practiced by doctors all over the world. We are now first and foremost trying to reduce mortality. Then we can talk about vaccination. The vaccine requires stable high results and stable side effects, while external drugs still give a weak immune response. By the way, Russia has the most progressive approach in this direction: the military, civil society and private companies are working on vaccination, and information is exchanged at all levels. In other words, it is obvious that there is no purpose to make money on it. In the West, the situation is the opposite, they want to make money from both therapy and vaccinations. ”According to Kan, the pharmaceutical business is based on the idea of“ more disease = more money, ”so the plans of foreign companies cannot include rapid eradication of the disease. When will the vaccine be available to everyone? As with all major events on the planet, the fight against COVID-19 must have its own control. In addition to the national health ministries in each country, the data is monitored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN). However, these bodies act mainly on the instructions of one country - the United States. Despite the fact that the United States has the highest number of infections and almost the highest mortality rates, epidemiologists make disappointing predictions - the United States has no plans to share technology for the production of vaccines against COVID-19 - at least in the near future.

Molecular biologist Vladimir Portnykh believes that traditional antiviral drugs may not work, so the United States will have to turn to other countries for advice.
"Japan is in a difficult situation now: the population is high, the rate of transmission of the virus is high, and the impact of drugs, even conventional hospital treatment, is decreasing every day," said molecular biologist Vladimir Portnykh. According to the scientist, although the Japanese have high hopes for the drug Favipiravir, the study found that the antiviral drug has no effect on COVID-19. The only drug approved for use in the West in the treatment of a new type of coronavirus is the American drug Remdesivir, and there is no alternative. The Russian Ministry of Health has officially approved three drugs for the treatment of coronavirus - Avifavir, Areplivir and Coronavir.
At the same time, antiviral drugs used to treat HIV, hepatitis and other viral infections in Russia have been used successfully in the early days of the pandemic. The two-component COVID-19 vaccine trial conducted by the Gamaleya National Research Center and the Ministry of Defense is nearing completion. . More than a week ago, volunteers were released from the hospital. The researchers found that the first and second groups of volunteers developed an immune response to the COVID-19 vaccine. Russian experts claim that the vaccine works and helps the body "arm" itself against the coronavirus. Experts predict that the Russian coronavirus vaccine will be one of the most affordable means in the world. In addition to the fact that the issue of vaccination will be resolved at the governmental level, according to the first forecast, the commercialization of the vaccine will not be more expensive than the seasonal flu vaccine.

22 July 2020