Qadin.NET / International community condemns Armenian provocations - OFFICIAL

International community condemns Armenian provocations - OFFICIAL

"Armenia's provocations in Tovuz are an act of military aggression and terrorism."

The statement came from Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Leyla Abdullayeva at a press conference on the events in Tovuz, Gadin.Net reported.

He said that the Turkish Council, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Non-Aligned Movement and GUAM strongly condemned Armenia's military provocation.
Abdullayeva added that on July 14, the Secretary General of the Turkish Council strongly condemned Armenia's shelling of Azerbaijani civilian targets.

"The Secretary General reaffirmed the position of the Turkish Council on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the framework of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. The Secretariat General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation also made a statement. The statement expressed support for Azerbaijan and condemned Armenia's provocation.

21 July 2020