Qadin.NET / Recent STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Recent STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 14,857,343 people worldwide.
613,340 infected people died and 8,911,185 were cured.
The highest number of coronavirus infections (3,961,429), deaths (143,834) and recovery (1,849,989) are in the United States.
Brazil (2,121,645), India (1,154,917) and Russia (777,486) are next in terms of the number of infections.
Among our border neighbors, Iran ranks 11th with 276,202 infections, and Turkey ranks 15th with 220,527 infections. 34,981 cases of coronavirus were registered in Armenia and 1,039 in Georgia.
Of the 27,890 patients infected with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 19,490 recovered and 363 died.

21 July 2020