Qadin.NET / The families of those killed in Tovuz will receive a presidential scholarship

The families of those killed in Tovuz will receive a presidential scholarship

Appropriate measures are taken to provide social protection to the families of servicemen killed in the Tovuz region while preventing enemy attacks.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, work has been done to provide the families of the martyrs with monthly pensions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as monthly benefits for family members without pension rights, appropriate social security benefits for the loss of the head of the family.

Leaders of Khatai, Sumgayit, Tovuz, Gazakh, Agstafa, Bilasuvar, Masalli and Ismayilli city and district branches of the ministry met with the families of the martyrs and were told that they would be supported by the state.

At the same time, they were informed about the state employment services, active employment measures. The potential of the unemployed family members of the martyrs to be involved in the self-employment program has been identified. Relevant work has been started to create small family farms within the program. Some of them have also been registered to be involved in paid social work and other active employment activities.

In the coming period, the social situation of the families of the martyrs will be kept in mind, and appropriate support measures will be taken.

18 July 2020