Qadin.NET / The Defense Ministry issued a statement on the latest situation on the frontline

The Defense Ministry issued a statement on the latest situation on the frontline

Armenian armed forces violated the ceasefire 97 times a day in different directions of the frontline, the Defense Ministry said. At present, the Azerbaijani-Armenian border in Tovuz region is relatively calm, our settlements are not fired, but tensions continue.

Our positions in Mosesgeh and Chinari villages of Aghdam, Munjuglu villages of Tovuz region and nameless heights, in Zamanli village of Gadabay region and in nameless heights of Chambarak region were fired. Occupied Goyarkh, Chilaburt, Yusifjanli, Aghdam regions , Ads in Kuropatkino village of Khojavend region, Garvand, Garakhanbeyli, Gorgan, Kurds, Horadiz of Fuzuli region, Nuzgar and Mehdili villages of Jabrayil region, as well as in Goranboy, Tartar, Aghdam, Khojavend and Fuzuli regions The positions of our army were fired from the positions located at high altitudes. The enemy was silenced by retaliatory fire, and the operational conditions are under the full control of our units.

17 July 2020