Qadin.NET / LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

LATEST STATISTICS related to coronavirus

Coronavirus has been detected in 13,952,120 people worldwide.
Of those infected, 592,745 died and 8,284,260 recovered.
The United States has the highest rate of coronavirus infection (3,695,025) and death (141,118).
In second place is Brazil with 2,014,738 infections and 76,822 deaths.
Russia ranks fourth among Azerbaijan's border neighbors with 752,797 infections, and Iran ranks 11th with 267,061 infections.
216,873 cases of coronavirus were registered in Turkey, 33,559 in Armenia and 1,006 in Georgia.
Of the 26,165 people diagnosed with the coronavirus in Azerbaijan, 334 died and 17,256 recovered.

17 July 2020