Qadin.NET / "Pelmeni" (photo-recipe)

"Pelmeni" (photo-recipe)

Flour: 350 grams
Greens: 1 bunch
Beef: 350 grams
Sheep's tail: 150 grams
Onions: 100 grams
Garlic: 2 cloves
milk: 060 ml
Water: 150 ml
Bay leaves: 3-4 pieces

To prepare the dumplings, first knead the dough and wait for 20-30 minutes in a warm place. Beef, fat, onion, garlic are passed through a meat grinder twice. Carrots are grated, onions and greens are cut into small pieces. Carrots, onions, greens, salt, pepper, milk are added to the meat and the filling of the dumplings is mixed well.

It is made of self-adhesive dough. Round openings are prepared.
Dumplings can be cooked in water and fried in oil.
When cooking, boil 4 liters of water for 1 kg of pelmeni. Salt is added to this water and 3-4 bay leaves are added.
Boil for 15 minutes to cook. After that, the food is served hot.

Bon Appetit!

23 October 2020