Qadin.NET / Why should a person eat meat?

Why should a person eat meat?


Meat is one of the most important products for human health.
It is from meat that we get many substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
The most important of these are proteins. These proteins are broken down into amino acids in the human digestive system, and the body then synthesizes the proteins it needs from these amino acids.

The human body does not store proteins as a reserve. For this reason, the body must constantly receive protein from food. Human proteins are obtained from both plants and meat (including chicken and fish). However, it is easier to get protein from meat. Meat contains all the essential acids necessary for the human body. Thus, eating a few pieces of meat a day fully satisfies the body's need for protein.

Yes, it is possible to get protein from some plants. However, unlike meat, this is more difficult - different plants contain one or more amino acids (ie not all of them). Thus, a person must constantly combine different plants to meet his need for amino acids. This is not an easy task.

Proteins play a key role in the normal functioning of the body:

- First of all, protein performs a "building" function in the body. Proteins are found in our skin, internal organs, muscles, eyes, immune and blood systems, and so on. is the basis.

- Proteins perform a transport function in the body. Specific proteins combine the substances necessary for the body's activity and deliver them to different parts of the body.

- Proteins are very important for the functioning of the immune system.

If proteins do not enter the human body for a long time, it will lead to many disorders:

- Our skin is made up of collagen protein. When the body suffers from a lack of protein, the skin begins to age - wrinkles, sags. In addition, the nails become brittle, flaky, and the hair looks dry and lifeless.

- When there is a lack of protein, the body begins to use internal organs to meet the need for protein. First of all, the body begins to take proteins from muscle tissue, and then passes them to the internal organs.

- Our hormones also consist of proteins. For this reason, in the absence of protein, the hormonal background of a person is disturbed.

- Protein deficiency is especially harmful for children. In this case, the child's development and coloring is delayed.

- Lack of protein weakens the immune system.

In addition to protein, meat contains many vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The most important of these is iron. Iron deficiency in the body leads to various disorders. Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency disrupts the body's oxygen supply, which leads to various disorders in the body. The most valuable source of iron is meat. Iron in meat is better absorbed by the body than iron in plants.

Thus, meat should always be in the human diet. According to nutritionists, eating 100 grams of meat every day provides the human body with all the necessary amino acids and iron. Men with a lot of muscle tissue and heavy physical work need 2-3 times more meat a day. The meat must be fat-free and cooked in water, steam or in the oven (in foil, without the addition of fat). Fried, smoked meat, sausages and canned meat are harmful to health.

Do not eat too much meat. This can damage a person's health.


8 October 2020