Qadin.NET / Health effects of drinking coffee every day

Health effects of drinking coffee every day

Do not consume more than 2-3 cups of coffee per day.
Other compounds than caffeine in the structure of coffee also have antioxidant, antibacterial, blood sugar balancing, blood fat regulating effects. These beneficial effects have been determined not to exceed 2-3 cups per day. We can see its harmful effects for more.

More than 4 cups of coffee increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
Looking at how coffee consumption affects the risk of cardiovascular diseases; There are experiments showing that it does not affect the risk in 2-3 cups, but increases the risk when exceeding 4 cups or more.
There is no complete conclusion about blood pressure. While some studies show that it causes a slight height, some studies even lower it.

Decisive coffee protects from Alzheimer's disease
If coffee consumption is in safe doses, ie 2-3 cups per day, it can protect from advanced age diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's. They also have positive associations with Parkinson's and depression.

7 August 2020